Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ah yes... Family!

For Fathers' Day, I surprised my Mom & Dad with a visit to Laval for the weekend. We saw each other when they visited me for Mothers' Day in Toronto last month, so it hadn't been "that" long since we'd spent time together. But for the loving parents of this only child, any time away is too long.
Since I don't visit my hometown often (my parents visit me more often), I don't get to see my relatives much. So it's always a treat for me to be able to visit with my aunt and uncle, and cousins and their children.
Yesterday, we drove the 60km through horrendous traffic (it took 1.5 hrs...) to go from Laval to the South Shore of Montreal, and hang out pool-side at my cousin's place. It had been two years since we'd all been together, my parents, aunt and uncle, two cousins, one cousin's wife and two daughters. And nearly as long since we'd talked on the phone or via email or Facebook.
And yet... As always when we get together, we just pick up where we left off. It's easy, comfortable, comforting, warm, laugh-out-loud belly-laugh funny, energizing, emotional, and oh-so-good, to be with them all. Since I don't see them all often, perhaps our occasional visits are always good because they're so filled with happy anticipation, simplicity and connection. And yet, I think that part of the reason we reunite so easily is that, we're family. I have lots of relatives I'm not close to and haven't seen in decades, but this little group, I feel close to, and always will.
And they told me yesterday, "you know, you're not alone! We're here for you...". That made me feel all warm and fuzzy. It was nice to hear and be reminded.
Love you all, my little family...

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